Thursday, October 31, 2019

What Makes an Effective Team Work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

What Makes an Effective Team Work - Essay Example In some situations, one type offers the most benefits, and in some other circumstances, other type of team can be fruitful in achieving the expected outcomes. However, in order to understand the effectiveness of teamwork, the paper will now discuss some of the different types of teams that will allow an efficient understanding of teamwork. Analysis of the material related to teams has indicated that different experts and researchers have identified and categorized teams into different types that will take more than this paper. For this reason, this paper will discuss some of the most common and effective types of teams that will be worthy of a discussion. As the name says itself, peer means someone that is almost of the same characteristics of the other. In this regard, peer workgroups usually involves individuals that possess the same attributes; however, such attributes can vary and depend on setting of the workgroup. For instance, an evident example of peer-to-peer workgroup is an educational class in the school that involves children or students of the same age group (DuBrin, pp. 77-81). The basic notion of peer-to-peer workgroup is an informal platform that provides an opportunity to the team members to achieve the objectives while learning and complementing each other. One of the significant characteristics of peer-to-peer workgroup that it although caters individuals of the same age group or same class or same interest, such as music, art, etc. However, it always consists of various diverse attributes of the team members, such as different socio-economic status, different race, etc that makes peer-to-peer group an efficient an d natural way of interacting with each other. Until now, the paper discussed an informal type of workgroup that involves peer-to-peer learning; however, additive and conjunctive are both formal types of teams that enable the team members to work formally to achieve the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Review mode Essay Example for Free

Review mode Essay CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Studies rely on information researched by the proponents. Review of Related Literature In exploration, we find new techniques, new knowledge, even develop new substances, gadgets, equipment, processes or procedures, imagination and skill is emhapter II Review of Related Literature and Studies This chapter presents the literature and related studies which have direct bearing on this study. It also discusses the values reflected in the proverbs and the proverb as a reflection of Filipino character, its function in the society, its naReview of Related Literature and Studies CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES Studies rely on information researched by the proponents. Review of Related Literature In exploration, we find new techniques, new knowledge, even develop new substances, gadgets, equipment, processes or procedures, imagination and skill is em Premium1418 Words6 Pages Computer Effects on the Academic Performance of Students Review of Related Literature â€Å"Effects of computer usage to the academic performance of students† Chapter II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE The scope of Computer effects derives a wide scope of related literature that is worth mentioning. In this regard, this literature review concerning the effects of computer usage Premium1010 Words5 Pages Chapter2: Review of Related Literature and Studies Chapter II Review of Related Literature and Studies This chapter presents the literature and related studies which have direct bearing on this study. It also discusses the values reflected in the proverbs and the proverb as a reflection of Filipino character, its function in the society, its na Premium1848 Words8 Pages Review of Related Literature Review of Related Literature History of Forums In the past, forums were viewed as places for geeks to communicate via the web. However, as the internet continues to grow and define itself, we have found them to be a very valuable resource of information. Forums benefit your internet experi Premium836 Words4 Pages Review of Related Literature REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Background and Literature Overview The regulatory landscape of the air transport industry throughout the world has been changing dramatically since the 1980s to meet the growing density of air traffic as a result of the increasing integration of economies.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Effects of Orphanhood on Child Development

Effects of Orphanhood on Child Development 3. REVIEW OF LITERATURE â€Å"A solid family environment is essential in paving the way for the realization of future dreams and aspirations of children.† —Nelson Mandela â€Å"The suffering of children is not in itself what is revolting, but the fact that it is undeserved†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ if we cannot make a world in which children no longer suffer, at least we can try to reduce the number of suffering children† Albert Camus: â€Å"L’ Homme Revolte†. Children must be protected not because they are innocent but because they are powerless Mason Cooley A research literature review is a written summary of the state of existing knowledge on a research problem. The task of reviewing research literature involves identification, selection, critical analysis, and written description of existing information on a topic. 11 The various attributes of orphans, orphaning and orphanages are considered in separate sections 1. DEFINITIONS OF ORPHANS AND VULNERABLE CHILDREN The word orphan is derived from the Latin word orbus meaning bereft or to suffer the loss. Today, it applies to a child whos either or both of the parents are dead.12 According to UNICEF the definition of an orphan is anyone between the ages of 0 and 17 years who has lost at least one parent or both the parents.13 Vulnerable children are those who belong to high-risk groups who lack access to basic social amenities or facilities. â€Å"Vulnerable† is analogous to the word â€Å"affected†. They include street children, orphans, child prisoners, child laborers, the children of sex workers and, confusingly, children who are orphaned by AIDS or have an HIV-positive parent14. Historically such orphans have been reared by close relatives or in institutions meant for other deprived children like them. Indias commitment to the cause of children is an old as its civilization. The child is believed to be a gift of the Gods, which must be nurtured with care and affection, within the family and the society Unfortunately, due to socio-economic and political factors, the incidence of neglect, abuse and deprivation, particularly in the poverty afflicted sections of the society, has gradually increased . The category of socially handicapped children includes within it those children who are destitute, abandoned, deprived, neglected, victimized, vagrant, and even delinquent children observes.15 Khandekar feels that the term deprived children implies deprivation of many aspects, such as economic, social, familial, emotional and moral.16 Bose opines that the category of children in need of care and protection s a wider scope which includes children whose parents are extremely poor, children of working women with low income, exploited, runaway children, child beggars, vagrants, delinquents, etc.17Thus we see a little agreement on the specifics of who can be include into the category of orphan children. Bose vehemently advocates that the juvenile delinquents too be included the class of orphan children. They have even been called neglected juveniles and described as one who is a destitute, who is left alone, abandoned, forsaken, in utter want, without resources, deprived, in a state of extreme poverty, being without food, shelter etc. The working group appointed by the Department of Social Welfare, Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India in 1969 listed the following circumstances to define orphans, although there are other terms such as socially handicapped used interchangeably: a) a child, whose parents are not able to look after with proper care and control. b) a child, without any living parents, who is not being looked after by any other near relatives on whom there is a moral or social obligation to look after. c) a child who has no home or settled place of abode, without any ostensible means of subsistence. d) a child whose surviving parent is a lunatic. e) a child deserving special protection, from parents who indulge him / her in prostitution, drunkenness or anti-social behavior. f) a child whose parents have forced him into beggary, acrobatics or performing tricks for the purpose of earning or any other kind of child labor. g) a child who is uncontrollable.18 Further the Planning Commission of India in the 10th Five year plan has brought all these children under a common category called as — children in difficult circumstances and included under this category are street children, abandoned children, orphaned children, child laborers, children who have been physically or sexually abused, children in conflict with law, children with HIV/AIDS, children of terminally ill parents, children of parents serving prison terms, children victims of natural disasters, terrorist attacks, immigration etc, for the purpose of devising need based policies and welfare programmers.19 2. BURDEN OF ORPHANHOOD IN INDIA The estimated number of orphans who need care and protection in India would give a better perspective of the magnitude of the problem on our hands .Though the exact quantum of dependent children is not known, approximations are available. In India 31 million children have become orphans due to all causes as by 2009.2 Every 2.2 seconds a child loses a parent somewhere in the world. By 2015, It is projected that there will be 400 million orphaned children worldwide.20 Moreover, it would be difficult to estimate the number of children who are abandoned, neglected, deprived of parental or family care due to innumerable other reasons such as family feud, parental desertion, illegitimate pregnancy, natural disasters. 3. CAUSES OF ORPHANING 3.1 BROKEN HOMES, PARENTAL DISHARMONY , PARENTAL LOSS / DEPRIVATION BROKEN HOMES, PARENTAL DISHARMONY A large proportion of delinquent and neglected children come from broken homes. Desertion, divorce, illegitimacy, cruelty, drunkenness and drug abuse by the parents are some of the common denominators among the neglected children.21 Broken Home is one which is rendered incomplete by the absence of one or both parents Parental separation or divorce often have an altogether different aspect where in the child is presented with a conflict of loyalties which is sometimes played upon usually by the contesting parents introduces new problem of adjusting to step parents and their attitudes.22 There is also a type of home which is thoroughly noxious without being broken. The members of the family go on living together, a life punctuated by quarrels, hatred, brutality, alcoholism, irresponsibility etc and emotional turmoil resulting from domestic discord, parental neglect or rejection may drive the child to retaliatory aggression.23 Ganga et al in their study of 225 inmates of an orphanage in Thanjavur documented that in 43.5% of the children, father had more than one wife, and father had left home in 14.6% while mother had left in 12.9%.24 Manjushree and Srinivasan noticed that of the 73 neglected children, in 8 children frequent quarrels between father and mother was observed.25 Thilagaraj in his study of neglected children documented that 37.5% of the parents were unhappily adjusted, parental separation/ desertion was seen in 12.6%. In 10% each, either both the parents had died or one parent had died and there was remarriage or there was no remarriage.26 Singh and co-workers while studying parental image in delinquents observed that in all cases of their study sample, parents had cordial and harmonious relationship.27 PARENTAL LOSS / DEPRIVATION The presence of a human figure is essential to develop social responsiveness. Because, if the child is constantly exposed to inanimate means of stimulation, the feelings of attachments to inanimate objects might generalize to human figure.28 The effects of long-term or permanent separation form one or both parents are complex. When the separation occurs as early as three months after birth, the infants emotional upset seems to be primarily a reaction to the environmental change and strangeness, and he /she usually adapts readily to a surrogate mother-figure. But once attachment behavior has developed, the emotional hurt of separation may be deeper and more sustained. The child may go through a period of bereavement and have greater difficulty in adjusting to the change. It would appear that the age at which the infant is most vulnerable to long term separation or loss is from 7 months to 5 years. The long term consequences of such a loss appear to depend not only on the time of its occurrence, but also on factors such as the child in question, his previous relationship with parent and the quality of subsequent parental care.29 MATERNAL DEPRIVATION : In a pioneering study, Bowlby (1960) summarized the effects of maternal separation on children from 2 to 5 years of age who were hospitalized for prolonged periods. He cited three stages of their separation reaction: 1) Initial protest characterized by increased crying, screaming and general activity 2) Despair which included dejection, stupor, decreased activity and general withdrawal from the environment, and 3) Detachment following the childrens discharge from the hospital and re ¬union with their mothers in whom the children appeared indifferent and sometimes even hostile towards their parents.30 According to Howells separation and deprivation are not synonymous terms. He states that separation of the child and parent, means that the child is physically parted from its parents and has an existence independent of them. On the other hand, deprivation is a term which indicates that a loss is suffered, and when applied to the child, it is used in the following two senses: 1) Occasionally it is used to denote that the child suffers the loss of its parents, or permanent parent substitute. This usually coincides with physical separation of parent and child (to prevent confusion with the term separation the usage deprivation should be avoided). 2) Frequently it is used to denote that the child is deprived of the necessary care for its emotional growth and so suffers the loss of parenting Separation, then involves the physical absence of the parent, but not necessarily of parenting. Deprivation involves the loss of parenting but not necessarily of parents. Thereby, he has drawn a distinction between parents as an entity from parenting, that is, the emotional care given by them to the children.31 Bowlby comments that in the young childs eyes father plays second fiddle, but is of an indirect value as an economic and emotional support to the mother.30 True enough, this is the impression carried over by the social, psychological and psychiatric literature. The facts however may be different. The father may share parenting, often equally, sometimes pre-dominantly and sometimes subordinately. Few facts are available. Nevertheless, the available literature indicates that the father has an important role to play in maintaining the stability of the family group and in supporting the role of the mother. He has also a significant influence on the psychological development of boys and girls. The fathers masculine model (aggressiveness, leadership and objectivity) is necessary for the boy if he is to emancipate himself from the feminine model prevailing at home and develop the qualities of maleness that will make him acceptable to his peers.32 The various causes for parental loss described in the various studies, parental deaths due to a number of causes, outnumber all other causes. Fosteer G and colleagues in their study observed that 12.8% of children under 15 years old had a father or mother who had died; 5% of orphans had lost both parents.33 Bhagath and Fraser in their study on neglected children found that paternal death was discovered in 40% whereas maternal loss was seen in 15%.34 Presley et at reported parental loss in 49. 2% of 140 neglected children, with 21% maternal loss and 25% had lost both the parents.35 Approximately 23% entering the foster care in the United States of America have lost one or both the parents in a survey carried out by Simms M D et al.36

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Essay --

Introduction Hyperlipidemia is a condition that effects hundreds of millions Americans every year. Hyperlipidemia is an excess of fat like substances in the bloodstream that include cholesterol and triglycerides. Hyperlipidemia is a condition that shows no symptoms and can only be diagnosed through blood tests. The treatment is aimed at lowering the LDL cholesterol, which is bad cholesterol. A variety of medications are used in the treatment including statin drugs, fibrates and bile acid sequestrants. Overall the condition is treatable with the right lifestyle modifications and overall healthy diet. Hyperlipidemia Hyperlipidemia is an excess of fat like substances in the bloodstream that include cholesterol and triglycerides. Fat like substances are also called lipids that seem to create chaos in the arteries and overall in excess are not good for a patient’s body because they are known to clog a person’s arteries which lead to many other diseases and conditions that are much worse, including a heart attack. Lipoproteins like the LDL (low density lipoproteins) and the HDL (high density lipoproteins) are the fat like complexes in the blood. Hyperlipidemia can be further separated into two subcategories including hypercholesterolemia, which means a high level of cholesterol in the blood, hypertriglyceridemia, which is a high level of triglycerides in the blood, which is the most common form of hyperlipidemia. The treatment of the condition is aimed at lowering the bad cholesterol in the blood. Diagnosis The overall diagnosis of the condition is based on the patients’ medical and lifestyle history before they are to access the patients’ lipid profile. The doctor would want the patient to also be healthy and... ...iarrhea, stomach pain and skin rash. Lopid is a very effective medication in the use of hyperlipidemia by lowering the levels of cholesterol and triglyceride levels at a reasonable price. Conclusion Hyperlipidemia is a common condition in men older than 45 and women older than 55 that affects the amount of cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood. It is also more prevalent in people with a family history of the condition. Hyperlipidemia is diagnosable by blood test to check unhealthy lipid levels in the bloodstream. Patients with this condition can either help themselves by following the recommended treatment or it will lead to more serious conditions like cardiovascular disease and even heart attack and stroke. Hyperlipidemia is a treatable condition with lifestyle and dietary modifications used concurrently with lipid lowering agents on the market today.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Democracy in the USA Essay

Text of the US Constitution does not contain the word â€Å"democracy†. The U.S. Constitution was not a perfect document. Originally it contained provisions that are can be recognized as ambiguous. â€Å"The US Founding Fathers† did not create democracy in the modern sense of the word, but the republic. They did not fully trust the wisdom of the American people and their ability to make sound decisions. For many years America was considered to be an ideal democratic country, however in recent years the situation has drastically changed. Among the most important challenges facing America today is the growing social inequality, discrimination on racial, ethnic or religious grounds, practice of indefinite detention of prisoners without charges, judicial bias, operating outside the law in prison, use of torture, the impact of government agencies on the trials, weak penitentiary system, infringement of freedom of speech, Internet censorship, legalized corruption, limiting of citizens’ voting rights, acts of intolerance based on race and ethnicity, the violation of the rights of children, extraterritorial application of the U.S. law, leading to human rights violations in other countries, kidnapping, tracking dissidents, disproportionate use of force against peaceful demonstrators, application of the death penalty to minors and the mentally ill, etc. At the same time, the international legal obligations of the United States, continues to be reduced to participation in only three of the nine core human rights treaties, providing control mechanisms. The USA has not yet ratified the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women in 1979, Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families, 1990, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, 2006 and the International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance, 2006. At the same time, Americans continue to wrongfully position themselves as an absolute authority and unquestioned leader in the field of democracy and human rights. They are engaged in mentoring, trying to teach others how to build their democracy and ensure human rights. Of ten they do this roughly, ignoring the basic international law principle of state sovereignty. Often their attempts to take care of human rights in other countries is bordering on outright interference in the internal affairs. At the same time, in the USA the situation with human rights remains very complicated. Fundamental political rights of Americans in today’s society, are not only exempt from the archaic elements, but they become even more vulnerable. Elections cause the most serious complaints. The U.S. president is still not elected by direct popular election, and by the Electoral College. Many rightly believe this system obsolete and undemocratic. With it, in particular, the voice of a resident of Delaware or North Dakota has mathematically much more weight than the voice of the voters in the larger states, such as California or New York. With this system, three times in the history of the U.S. the candidate with fewer votes than his opponent was elected the President (George W. Bush in 2000). And Gerald Ford has never been elected. At first, he was co-opted by the Republican National Committee instead of thieving Vice President Spiro Agnew, and then automatically took place of Richard Nixon who departed from his position because of the Watergate scandal. In general, the U.S. political system is based on the absolute monopoly of the two political parties which is far enough from the European-style multi-party democracy. More than 5.8 million Americans (2.5% of all potential voters) are deprived of voting rights because of a criminal record. This means that in general every 40th American citizen has no right to vote, among them every 13th African American (7.7% of total), and in some states, such as Kentucky, Virginia and Florida, more than 20 % of black Americans are deprived of voting rights. According to the Census Bureau, of the 75 million eligible citizens who did not use this right in the presidential election in 2008, 60 million were not able to do so due to lack of registration, which is associated with many cumbersome procedures. Currently only the states of Missouri, South Dakota and New Mexico, as well as the District of Columbia have laws that allow the access of international observers during the elections. In other regions, the issue of the activities of foreign observers is in the competence of local authorities. The implicit control over the population is being enhanced. The current U.S. law, in effect, allows the intelligence community to carry out a total censorship of all electronic communications of foreign and U.S. citizens without a warrant. It also requires telecommunications companies to assist the Government in gathering intelligence about foreign objects and to keep the information gathered in secret. Currently under consideration in Congress, the Cyber ​​Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act – CISPA, according to human rights activists, practically does not limit the possibility of the U.S. government to monitor web browsing of individuals. Freedom of speech is being limited. For attacks on journalists covering the action of the Occupy Wall Street movement, NGO â€Å"Reporters without Borders† in January 2012 lowered its rating of the U.S. in its annual global press freedom index for 27 items at once and put the U.S. on the 47th position (57th with the territories in which Washington exercise extraterritorial jurisdiction). According to an investigation of the Coalition of Independent Lawyers (Protest and Assembly Rights Project), only in New York from September 2011 to July 2012 at least 18 accredited reporters have been arrested. The site WikiLeaks was the subject of persecution by the U.S. administration in retaliation for the publication of the diplomatic dispatches. According to the latest Google report on the availability of services of the company, during the period from July to December 2011, the amount of requests for removal of content received by it from the U.S. government has increased by 103% compar ed to the previous reporting period. U.S. law enforcement agencies requested removal from YouTube video sharing hosting of 1.4 thousand videos that â€Å"contain insults.† 6.3 thousand queries required disclosure data of more than 12.2 thousand users of this company. 93% of these requirements were met. Quite specific topic is absolutely abhorrent practice of extrajudicial killings abroad. As part of the â€Å"war on terror† in Washington highly specific approaches have been developed, the application of which caused not only massive violation of many international legal norms, but also killing thousands of innocent people. Crimes against humanity committed by U.S. soldiers abroad often do not receive proper legal assessment of the national judicial system. Illegal abduction and detention of people remain in the arsenal of U.S. intelligence. In September 2006, President Bush acknowledged the existence of secret CIA prisons. As it became known later, in 2002-2003. secret services built about ten such detention facilities, including in foreign countries – Afghanistan, Iraq, Thailand, Morocco, Djibouti, Romania, Lithuania and Poland. In January 2012, a special prison at the naval base at Guantanamo Bay (Cuba) â€Å"celebrated† its 10th anniversary. U.S. President B arack Obama, despite his campaign promise, failed to close it because of counteraction of Congress. The practice of torture condemned by most countries of the world remains legalized in the United States. April 6, 2009 the Department of Justice published four memorandums, prepared in 2002-2005 by the lawyers of this agency. They thoroughly substantiated the legality of application of harsh interrogation techniques to prisoners of CIA prisons in terms of U.S. and international law. Along with other human rights violations in the United States numerous cases of police brutality have been recorded. Human rights activists note that the level of sexual crimes among American police is much higher than among the U.S. population as a whole. Mass practice in the United States have become systematic violations of human rights in detention. Business, which uses the prisoners’ labor flourishes in the USA. One in 10 prisoners in this country is contained in a commercial prison. The other fact demonstrating the low level of democracy in the USA are as follows: 1. In 33 U.S. states the death penalty is still permitted and applied; 2. Hundreds of thousands of children in the U.S. are abused which results in some cases (in 2010 – 1.6 thousand) to a lethal outcome; 3. In the U.S., social and economic rights are seriously disrupted. In the country there are 12.8 million unemployed, 40 million people do not have health insurance, 14.5% of families are experiencing food shortages; 4. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the USA has one of the highest levels of income inequality; 5. One of the most rightless segments of the population of America are migrants, who make up at least half of all those employed in the agricultural sector of the country; This brief review shows that the issue of human rights, facing all of humanity, is acutely relevant for the modern United States. All claims of the United States to be the moral leader in this area require a lot of preliminary work to clear own American â€Å"Augean stables.† Works Cited Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary or Arbitrary Executions, Study on Targeted Killings, Human Rights Council, 9-11, U.N. Doc. A/HRC/14/24/Add.6 (May 28, 2010).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Conjugation Tables for the Italian Verb Abitare (To Live in)

Conjugation Tables for the Italian Verb Abitare (To Live in) Abitare is a regular  first-conjugation Italian verb, meaning to live in, inhabit, or dwell in. It is a transitive verb, so it takes a  direct object. Conjugating Abitare The table gives the pronoun for each conjugation- io  (I),  tu  (you),  lui, lei  (he, she),  noi  (we),  voi  (you plural), and loro  (their). The tenses and moods are given in Italian- passato  prossimo  (present perfect),  imperfetto  (imperfect),  trapassato   prossimo  (past perfect)  passato   remoto  (remote past),  trapassato  remoto  (preterite perfect),  futuro  semplice  (simple future), and  futuro  anteriore  (future perfect)- first for the  indicative, followed by the subjunctive, conditional, infinitive, participle, and gerund forms. Indicative Presente io abito tu abiti lui, lei, Lei abita noi abitiamo voi abitate loro, Loro abitano Imperfetto io abitavo tu abitavi lui, lei, Lei abitava noi abitavamo voi abitavate loro, Loro abitavano Passato Remoto io abitai tu abitasti lui, lei, Lei abit noi abitammo voi abitaste loro, Loro abitarono Futuro Semplice io abiter tu abiterai lui, lei, Lei abiter noi abiteremo voi abiterete loro, Loro abiteranno Passato Prossimo io ho abitato tu hai abitato lui, lei, Lei ha abitato noi abbiamo abitato voi avete abitato loro, Loro hanno abitato Trapassato Prossimo io avevo abitato tu avevi abitato lui, lei, Lei aveva abitato noi avevamo abitato voi avevate abitato loro, Loro avevano abitato Trapassato Remoto io ebbi abitato tu avesti abitato lui, lei, Lei ebbe abitato noi avemmo abitato voi aveste abitato loro, Loro ebbero abitato Future Anteriore io avr abitato tu avrai abitato lui, lei, Lei avr abitato noi avremo abitato voi avrete abitato loro, Loro avranno abitato Subjunctive/Congiuntivo Presente io abiti tu abiti lui, lei, Lei abiti noi abitiamo voi abitiate loro, Loro abitino Imperfetto io abitassi tu abitassi lui, lei, Lei abitasse noi abitassimo voi abitaste loro, Loro amassero Passato io abbia abitato tu abbia abitato lui, lei, Lei abbia abitato noi abbiamo abitato voi abbiate abitato loro, Loro abbiano abitato Trapassato io avessi abitato tu avessi abitato lui, lei, Lei avesse abitato noi avessimo abitato voi aveste abitato loro, Loro avessero abitato Conditional Presente io abiterei tu abiteresti lui, lei, Lei abiterebbe noi abiteremmo voi abitereste loro, Loro abiterebbero Passato io avrei abitato tu avresti abitato lui, lei, Lei avrebbe abitato noi avremmo abitato voi avreste abitato loro, Loro avrebbero abitato Imperative/Imperativo Presente abita abiti abitiamo abitate abitino Infinitive/Infinito Presente abitare Passato avere abitato Participle/Participio Presente abitante Passato abitato Gerund/Gerundio Presente abitando Passato avendo abitato Understanding  First-Conjugation Verbs First-conjugation Italian verbs like  abitare  are the easiest to learn and conjugate.  Verbs with infinitives ending in  -are  are called first conjugation, or  -are, verbs. To conjugate the present tense of a regular -are  verb, for example, drop the infinitive ending  -are  and add the appropriate endings to the resulting stem. To form the first-person present tense of  abitare, drop the  -are  and add the correct ending (o)  to the stem,  abit-, to get  abito, which means I live in. To form the second-person present tense, use the same method: drop the -are and add the appropriate ending (i) to form abiti. Use the above tables to learn conjugations for abitare  in other tenses and moods.

Monday, October 21, 2019

The eNotes Blog Make That a Royale with Cheese Top Ten CrazyCookbooks

Make That a Royale with Cheese Top Ten CrazyCookbooks You might be surprised to learn that one segment of the book market, cookbooks, is not only seemingly   immune from the decrease in sales but actually flourishes. As the economy continues to struggle, many people are eating more and more meals at home. A good number are also returning to homemade pursuits like canning, growing herbs, making cheese, brewing beer and more.   Eager to claim part of that disposable income, publishers have green-lighted a number of questionable culinary tomes. 1   Pulp Kitchen:   Recipes for the Good, the Bad, and the Hungry  by Feargus OSullivan Creamed brains on toast, perhaps? What about this film would make you want to eatanything? Yeah, yeah the diner scene but that seems like a rather short menu for an entire cookbook. 2.   Ã‚  The Testicle Cookbook: Cooking with Balls  by Ljudomir R. Erovic Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. balls! (I do not even want to know what part of this is multi-media) 3.  The Bewitched Cookbook: Magic in the Kitchen  by Kasey Rogers and Mark Wood Feeling torn between traditional feminine role models and the desire to assert your independence? Then  The Bewitched  cookbook is for you! I am guessing there are plenty of jello molds and casseroles to be lovingly preparedor at least chucked in the magic of the microwave. Make your own damned sandwich. 4.  The Romance of Food  by Barbara Cartland Tired of writing about ripping bodices and sheathing (heh) swords, prolific romance author Barbara Cartland turned her talents to showing us just how to get a glistening half-naked Scotsman to eat caviar off your heaving bosom. I guess. 5.   Wookies Cookies and Other Galactic Recipes  by Robin Davis Am I the only one who thinks those cookies look like cow patties? I guess that answers a question about Wookie body functions anyway. 6.   The Un-constipated Gourmet  by Danielle Svetcov   Know a bunch of friends you suspect are full of *^%? Time to host a dinner party! This reminds me of the classic Colon Blow and You skit with Phil Hartman: 7.   The Star-Trek Cookbook  by Ethan Phillips and William J. Birnes Oh I am sorry. The official Star-Trek cookbook. And I thought it would be limited to a bag of Cheetos and Hot-Pockets. 8.   Mosh Potatoes: Recipes, Anecdote, and Mayhem from the Heavy Weights of Heavy Metal  by Steve Seabury I am going to take a wild guess here and say that the anecdotes out number the recipes. 9.   Eat a Bug Cookbook: Real recipes using beetles, spiders and other truly unusual ingredients  by David George Gordon 10.  The Roadkill Cookbook  by B.R.. Buck Peterson The Original! Accept no substitutions! Blurgh. I dont know exactly what delicacies await in this one, but in one of the  substitutes,  The Roadkill Cookbook  by Arthur Bates, you can whip yourself up a nice batch of, I am not kidding, Hedgehog Spaghetti Carbonara

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Conjugate the Verb Vedere in Italian

How to Conjugate the Verb Vedere in Italian Vedere Can Be Defined As To seeTo look atTo meetTo visitTo consultTo go overTo checkTo find outTo grasp What to Know About â€Å" Vedere† It’s an irregular verb, so it doesn’t follow the typical -ere verb ending pattern.It’s a transitive verb, so it takes a direct object.The infinito is â€Å"vedere.†The participio passato is â€Å"visto.†The gerund form is â€Å"vedendo.†The past gerund form is â€Å"avendo visto.† Indicativo/Indicative Il presente io vedo noi vediamo tu vedi voi vedete lui, lei, Lei vede essi, Loro vedono Ad esempio: Ti vedo bene. - You look good.Dalla sua finestra si vede il mare. - From her window you can see the sea. Il passato prossimo io ho visto noi abbiamo visto tu hai visto voi avete visto lui, lei, Lei, ha visto essi, Loro hanno visto Ad esempio: Ho visto Giulia al bar. - I saw Giulia at the cafe.Questo film l’abbiamo gi visto. - We have already seen this movie. L’imperfetto io vedevo noi vedevamo tu vedevi voi vedevate lui, lei, Lei vedeva essi, Loro vedevano Ad esempio: Lui vedeva il mondo come un posto magico. - He saw the world as a magical place.Col sole in faccia non vedevo niente. - With the sun in my face I couldn’t see anything. Il trapassato prossimo io avevo visto noi avevamo visto tu avevi visto voi avevate visto lui, lei, Lei aveva visto essi, Loro avevano visto Ad esempio: Non avevo mai visto uno struzzo prima d’ora. - I had never seen an ostrich before now.Vi avevo visti insieme in piazza. - I had seen you together in the middle of the square. Il passato remoto io vidi noi vedemmo tu vedesti voi vedeste lui, lei, Lei vide essi, Loro videro Ad esempio: La vide e si innamorà ² subito, era un colpo di fulmine! - He saw her and fell in love right away, it was love at first sight!Quel Natale i bambini videro per la prima volta Babbo Natale! - On that Christmas, the children saw Santa Claus for the first time! Il trapassato remoto io ebbi visto noi avemmo visto tu avesti visto voi aveste visto lui, lei, Lei ebbe visto essi, Loro ebbero visto TIP: This tense is rarely used, so don’t worry too much about mastering it. You’ll find it in very sophisticated writing. Il futuro semplice io vedr noi vedremo tu vedrai voi vedrete lui, lei, Lei vedr essi, Loro vedranno Ad esempio: Chi vivr, vedr. - Who will live, will see. (Figuratively: time will tell) Il futuro anteriore io avr visto noi avremo visto tu avrai visto voi avrete visto lui, lei, Lei avr visto essi, Loro avranno visto Ad esempio: Mi avrai visto nella zona. - You must have seen me around the neighborhood. Congiuntivo/Subjunctive Il presente che io veda che noi vediamo che tu veda che voi vediate che lui, lei, Lei veda che essi, Loro vedano Ad esempio: È importante che non ci veda insieme. - It’s important that she doesn’t see us together.Assicurati che vedano bene! - Make sure they can see clearly! Il passato io abbia visto noi abbiamo visto tu abbia visto voi abbiate visto lui, lei, egli abbia visto essi, Loro abbiano visto Ad esempio: Sembra che tu abbia visto una fantasma. - It seems like you saw a ghost. L’imperfetto io vedessi noi vedessimo tu vedessi voi vedeste lui, lei, egli vedesse essi, Loro vedessero Ad esempio: Vorrei che tu vedessi questo panorama. - I wish that you could see this view.Se i nonni vedessero come sei cresciuto! - If grandpas could see how grown up you are! Il trapassato prossimo io avessi visto noi avessimo visto tu avessi visto voi aveste visto lui, lei, Lei avesse visto essi, Loro avessero visto Ad esempio: Se ti avessi visto, sarei rimasto. - If I had seen you, I would have stayed.Se avessi visto il cartello non mi saresti venuto addosso! - If you had seen the sign you wouldn’t have crushed into me! Condizionale/Conditional Il presente io vedrei noi vedremmo tu vedresti voi vedreste lui, lei, Lei vedrebbe essi, Loro vedrebbero Ad esempio: Se ti desseha dato una possibilit, vedrebbe che sei un uomo fantastico. - If she gave you a chance, she would see that you’re a fantastic guy. Il passato io avrei visto noi avremmo visto tu avresti visto voi avreste visto lui, lei, egli avrebbe visto essi, Loro avrebbero visto Ad esempio: Ti ho detto che l’avrei visto. - I told you that I would see him.Se foste venuti avreste visto uno spettacolo indimenticabile! - If you came you would have seen an unforgettable show!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Drowling Ski Resort Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Drowling Ski Resort - Case Study Example Its financial trouble started in back in 2000 when it went into receivership and there seemed to be no buyer willing or able to finance the resort, after it remained closed for a year, it was reopened by Ian Mac-Arthur through an arrangement with the Syracuse development cooperation. The city was willing to fund the project since they believed that the resort represented and important economic entity and if it was left to collapse, it would harm the community especially owing unemployment of the hundreds of locals who worked there. After 5 years, MacArthur decided to discontinue his ownership of the resort because the capital investment required to repair and retransform the resort to its former glory was too much. Consequently, it was bought by a Peter Bass who assumed the debt and arranged with MacArthur to pay buy him off the debt in installments. The resort however continued to lose money and the visitors patronizing it went down considerably resulting in reduced revenue and depe ndence on government bailouts to remain in business (Huang & Leong 2). The management of the resort tried channeling back profits and even took on long term debt but the huge losses the firm had incurred in the course of the last two years had eaten too deeply into the cash reserves. Drowling Mountain is dependent primarily on the population of Syracuse since the customer base is predominantly local, for financial and practical reasons the firm did not market beyond the Syracuse area. The pricing is marginally higher than the neighboring resorts and this is justified by the variety of exclusive packages offered in the resort although admittedly clients sometimes found them too complex and therefore ignored them. Carter also says that the operations were far from smooth owing to the fact that they had cut down on the labor cost as much as they could and as result there was a perennial shortage of employees and the few ones were often overworked. After an incisive analysis of the situ ation, one the ground I came up with the following recommendations which if implemented successfully could reasonably be expected to curb the downward trend of the resort and gradually help it recover its prestige and profitability. For one, it is apparent that the resort justifies its higher prices by virtue of its exclusive package offering that are not available in other resorts, however, it has also emerged that these services are often viewed as too complex and the clients often ignore them. This leads to wastage since they require staff and maintenance they clearly do not justify the cost and complexity. Therefore instead of cutting down on costs by laying off staff, the management should carry out a thorough assessment on the redundant services, eliminate them or make drastic changes to simplify or make them more adaptable to customers. A strategic evaluation into the profitability of individual services and a comparison with their uptake in other resorts would give the manag ers a better understanding of what needs to be retained and what needs to be cut off. As a result, the services will be streamlined the staff will be more flexible and the costs or running the resort will marginally reduce, the surplus funds can then be used to service other facilities that can help resume profitability. The manager’s approach is based creating a culture of skiing and therefore he does not view the fact that other resorts are encouraging customers to engage in the sport as a threat since he felt they were promoting the uptake of skiing culture. Notwithstanding, this

Friday, October 18, 2019

Security Requirement Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Security Requirement Analysis - Research Paper Example This telecommunication network should enable the dentists to work within the offices and also from their laptops while at the patients’ home. It should allow only the five dentists and twelve dental assistants to access the medical records of any patient, the daily schedule and to receive or send a patients record even when out of office. The designed network should meet HIPAA requirements by maintaining high degree confidentiality on the patient’s details (Claise and Wolter 2007). In this telecommunication network the patients’ record should be confidential. It should be accessed only by the dentists and the dental assistants. The firm’s database should restrict access on patient’s record by asking for a password first from the users trying to access. Then after authentication the information can be accessed .The authorized users should have a unique password which should be confidential. This network should integrate all the functional requirement s with the needs of human users e.g. dentists, dental assistants, receptions and also patients who wish intend to seek services from this dental firm. The dentists must protect dental health of their patients at all costs by completing all dental procedures in progress within the clinic and even after the prescription. They should remain available for emergencies and it is therefore vital that this telecommunication network allows the dentists and the dental assistant to exercise human resource mobility. In designing a telecommunication network that will meet the needs of the stationary offices and the mobile doctors we need sixteen desk top computers ,five laptops ,ten office phones, five modems, five printers, five scanners, networking cables ,five- eight pin switches ,five routers , fiber optic connection in the city and also the world wide web targeting patients from other areas. The dental x-ray machine should be available in the dental laboratory. Assuming in every New Smile d ental clinic offices we have at least five rooms; reception, dentist’s room, dental assistant’s room (open office system), dental laboratory and the server room. In server room we have the server connected to the router. The router helps to connect the local area interconnection to the city’s fiber optic connection thus the metropolitan area network .One of the clinics can be made the headquarters and the server here is connected via the router to the wide area network wide .All computers and computing resources in a stationary office are connected via cables to the switch in the server room which is connected to the router. At the reception we have one desktop, an office phone, scanner and a printer. The desktop is connected via networking cable to the switch in the server room .The office phone is a mobile phone .The scanner and the printer are also connected to the local area network via cables. The scanner is for changing the hard copy into soft copy especia lly for documents received from other sources other than any of this firm’s clinic. In the dentists’ offices we have the mobile office phone, desktop, a laptop and a modem. When the dentist is in the office he can use the desktop while on mobile services he can use the laptop and via modem access the records online. In his absence from office any other dentist can come and access the records

Summary of Transportation Research Record Assignment

Summary of Transportation Research Record - Assignment Example This explains why the last decade has seen the addition of only 7 runways. Nevertheless, quite a number of secondary airports have experienced tremendous growth, becoming the desired airports for specific destinations. This does not undermine the fact that they have been experiencing delays and congestion, especially in peak periods due to lack of places for the planes to land. The larger part of the funding for the airports in Denver, Colorado can be traced back to the federal government. However, decisions pertaining to the operation, building and expansion of the facilities are handled at local and state levels. It has been recognized that delays and congestion in airports can only be remedied by comprehensive remedies. This article examines air travel since it is always a pointer as to the direction taken by Gross Domestic Product of a particular state. In essence, there are concerns about the delays and congestion in many airports resulting from lack of space for expansion. Communities neighboring the airports are also against the expansion due to traffic as well as noise from the planes. This problem however would not be solved by simplistic remedies but a combination of solutions geared addressing the financial, technical and even social aspect of the airports, more so in relation with the

Product Feasibility Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Product Feasibility Analysis - Essay Example The new Professor of Plumbing application is aimed to achieve these functions through the use of Android market, Smartphone and the iPhone to achieve these objectives. The application integrates books, tables, calculators that are necessary in plumbing work and piping design to present an enhanced user interactive application that presents faster and more accurate calculations on right angles, offset pipe lengths, plumbing fixture spacing, water pipe size, DWV pipe size, flow rates and volumes among other calculations. These are used daily by plumbing professionals and other professionals where piping system design is required. The application aims at making their experiences to be of a higher level, when using this application. There is a rich market that the application targets as described above. This will ensure the application captures the market, and meets the objectives in both revenues and offering interactive value to customers far and above the price paid for the applicatio n. The design and offering the application for sale have a high profit potential in that, as the application will be downloaded directly from application stores or bough from other professional databases, it will reduce the cost of buying other handsets, as is currently in the market. This will make most plumbers and those involved in design of pipes systems to prefer this application to buying of more specialized calculators. This will increase sales; the monthly and annually subscriptions are intended to increase the revenue base from the sales of this application greatly. The improved features that will be enhanced during development and advancement of this application will ensure that the application delivers maximum value to customers, and this will increase the revenue greatly as more customers download the application to experience these benefits. 2.0 Product Feasibility 2.1Problem identification The current advancing technologies require that operations by all professions an d technicians be made fast reliable, efficient and effective. This means that a plumber has to have all the details they require during the daily operations at their hands. There is too much time wasted where the plumber is required to carry different equipment in a tool box, and this considerably reduces their effectiveness. A plumber will require calculators, manuals for checking angles and pipe diameters and how they correspond during fitting operations, the flow rates calculations and materials that contain many standards that have to be used during calculations in plumbing work. The time required to go though the above materials is too much and is wastage of productive time that reduces hourly productivity of such a plumber. It is necessary to equip the plumber with a new approach that they have to use when plumbing and solving all the above problems effectively. This is the reason behind the new Professor of Plumbing application a versatile application that will ensure speed, reliability, accuracy, precision that make the overall plumbing work much easier as compared to the current situation. 2.2. Product description The Professor of Plumbing Software comes along with the following features that will ensure a sustainable and wide market coverage and usage. Can perform right angles, offset pipe lengths Feet-inch

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Hunger Games Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Hunger Games - Essay Example The young characters have been depicted as heroes and heroines when some of them are seen reflecting on happier moments in the past, a good example being the main character, Katniss. This essay will critically analyze the book, giving a breakdown of the main ideas found in each of the chapters. In the first chapter, the author introduces Katniss Everdeen, the narrator and the main character. The teenage girl sets out on a gathering and hunting expedition with her friend Gale as they await for the reaping in the afternoon. Katniss has been forced to take part in a fighting tournament against other teenagers. The government has forced children to fight each other to death on TV, the winner taking home prizes. The fights are usually broadcasted to the entire world. Katniss does not enjoy the fights, but she kills with a lot of professionalism and finesse, just to stay alive. From the story in the book, it can be analytically noted that the author has used Katniss to show a transformatio n from a difficult life to one where she experiences pleasure. Katniss lived a life that was full of poverty and suffering. Due to her efforts in hunting and gathering, she used her skills to later enjoy her life by experiencing pleasures which she never knew of before. These pleasures include pretty clothes, food and warmth. However, it is important to note that the author has not in any way depicted sexual pleasure. This shows that the book is very chaste and non-erotic, making it very appropriate for its target audience, young adults (Grossman 1). The story also focuses on the life of a teenage girl who gets stung to death by a mutant swarm of hornets. The author has used violence in a very hypnotic way, unlike other books on violence which tend to be very repellent. This is because violence has been used amidst a fairy tale, making the book very unique. The violence is not merely a cheap thrill. It is something deeper in the sense that the author condemns violence and the action s that take place in the arena but invites readers to enjoy the violence that has been narrated in the story (Sperling 1). ‘The Hunger Games’ exposes children readers to the violence against which society tries so hard to shield them. The author uses this strategy to show adults that they should not forget their experiences as children. They wanted to enjoy the same things against which they are shielding the children. The author supports the fact that children are not stupid, and they are physical creatures. This makes them aware of the fact that violence raw emotions, power and violence exist. The author is really saddened by the fact that adults choose to pretend that these things are not in existence and that children should not know about them (Grossman 1). The book is a bloody, horrifying and chilling one because of the violence depicted through the actions of the characters. The author shows a lot of bloodshed and ruthless killing, especially among children. The setting of ‘The Hunger Games’ is an unspecified time in the future, where such violence seems to be the order of the day (Grossman 1). This shows just how bad the author thinks things will be for humanity in the future. The world that the author has depicted is one whereby a ruling caste dominates the people. In the story, this ruling caste lives in a city known as Capitol (Sperling 1). The rest of the vulnerable population that is being dominated by

Business, Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business, - Research Paper Example In this regard supply chain management has a key role to play in the success of companies with aspects like outsourcing being on the rise. The present study would analyze the aspect of vertical integration versus strategic alliances as a possible supply chain management strategy of firms engaged in the aerospace and defense industry competing in the international markets in a globalised market environment. Business level co-operative strategy In general terms, strategic alliances can be defined as co-operative agreement and arrangements between the two or more partners, and hence, the co-operative relationship management is one of the prime requirements in strategic alliances. The strategies aims to meet this requirement are known as the business level co-operative strategies. Co-operation is one of the basic attributes of the strategic alliances and the partners must have a clear understanding of this attribute for framing a set of business level co-operative strategy. Kwok and Hamp son have identified the very specific parameters to measure and frame the co-operative strategies in case of strategic alliances. ... oss border strategic alliance The need for greater consolidation within the highly capital intensive aerospace and defense industry segment has paved the way for greater alliance and collaboration among various organizations for an effective supply chain management. The need to develop high end research has also promulgated the need to have greater strategic alliances with international partners. For example the NATO partners are actively trying to enter into greater collaborations and strategic alliances with the US and European companies in a bid to improve upon the efficiency of the companies (Lorell, â€Å"Implications of European Consolidation and Increased Aerospace Globalization†). Strategic alliances also help in developing a greater synergistic association between the companies and the civil sector. The example of the modern air fighter Euro fighter Typhoon is a good example in which five European nations namely Germany, UK, Spain and Italian companies went into a strategic alliance to create a world class fighter aircraft. Another such example involves the case of EUROFLAG consortium in which five European national companies have entered into a strategic alliance to manufacture fifth generation fighter aircrafts. However the aspect of cross border alliances also involve certain hindrances mainly in the form of government contracts and regulations, arms policies and export rules of different nations, disparities in the requirements and finally the absence of multinational legal structure across various nations etc that can have serious implications on the development of cross border strategic alliances between players in the aerospace and defense industry (Commission of the European Communities, â€Å"Cross Border Industrial Integration†). Vertical

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Product Feasibility Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Product Feasibility Analysis - Essay Example The new Professor of Plumbing application is aimed to achieve these functions through the use of Android market, Smartphone and the iPhone to achieve these objectives. The application integrates books, tables, calculators that are necessary in plumbing work and piping design to present an enhanced user interactive application that presents faster and more accurate calculations on right angles, offset pipe lengths, plumbing fixture spacing, water pipe size, DWV pipe size, flow rates and volumes among other calculations. These are used daily by plumbing professionals and other professionals where piping system design is required. The application aims at making their experiences to be of a higher level, when using this application. There is a rich market that the application targets as described above. This will ensure the application captures the market, and meets the objectives in both revenues and offering interactive value to customers far and above the price paid for the applicatio n. The design and offering the application for sale have a high profit potential in that, as the application will be downloaded directly from application stores or bough from other professional databases, it will reduce the cost of buying other handsets, as is currently in the market. This will make most plumbers and those involved in design of pipes systems to prefer this application to buying of more specialized calculators. This will increase sales; the monthly and annually subscriptions are intended to increase the revenue base from the sales of this application greatly. The improved features that will be enhanced during development and advancement of this application will ensure that the application delivers maximum value to customers, and this will increase the revenue greatly as more customers download the application to experience these benefits. 2.0 Product Feasibility 2.1Problem identification The current advancing technologies require that operations by all professions an d technicians be made fast reliable, efficient and effective. This means that a plumber has to have all the details they require during the daily operations at their hands. There is too much time wasted where the plumber is required to carry different equipment in a tool box, and this considerably reduces their effectiveness. A plumber will require calculators, manuals for checking angles and pipe diameters and how they correspond during fitting operations, the flow rates calculations and materials that contain many standards that have to be used during calculations in plumbing work. The time required to go though the above materials is too much and is wastage of productive time that reduces hourly productivity of such a plumber. It is necessary to equip the plumber with a new approach that they have to use when plumbing and solving all the above problems effectively. This is the reason behind the new Professor of Plumbing application a versatile application that will ensure speed, reliability, accuracy, precision that make the overall plumbing work much easier as compared to the current situation. 2.2. Product description The Professor of Plumbing Software comes along with the following features that will ensure a sustainable and wide market coverage and usage. Can perform right angles, offset pipe lengths Feet-inch

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Business, Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business, - Research Paper Example In this regard supply chain management has a key role to play in the success of companies with aspects like outsourcing being on the rise. The present study would analyze the aspect of vertical integration versus strategic alliances as a possible supply chain management strategy of firms engaged in the aerospace and defense industry competing in the international markets in a globalised market environment. Business level co-operative strategy In general terms, strategic alliances can be defined as co-operative agreement and arrangements between the two or more partners, and hence, the co-operative relationship management is one of the prime requirements in strategic alliances. The strategies aims to meet this requirement are known as the business level co-operative strategies. Co-operation is one of the basic attributes of the strategic alliances and the partners must have a clear understanding of this attribute for framing a set of business level co-operative strategy. Kwok and Hamp son have identified the very specific parameters to measure and frame the co-operative strategies in case of strategic alliances. ... oss border strategic alliance The need for greater consolidation within the highly capital intensive aerospace and defense industry segment has paved the way for greater alliance and collaboration among various organizations for an effective supply chain management. The need to develop high end research has also promulgated the need to have greater strategic alliances with international partners. For example the NATO partners are actively trying to enter into greater collaborations and strategic alliances with the US and European companies in a bid to improve upon the efficiency of the companies (Lorell, â€Å"Implications of European Consolidation and Increased Aerospace Globalization†). Strategic alliances also help in developing a greater synergistic association between the companies and the civil sector. The example of the modern air fighter Euro fighter Typhoon is a good example in which five European nations namely Germany, UK, Spain and Italian companies went into a strategic alliance to create a world class fighter aircraft. Another such example involves the case of EUROFLAG consortium in which five European national companies have entered into a strategic alliance to manufacture fifth generation fighter aircrafts. However the aspect of cross border alliances also involve certain hindrances mainly in the form of government contracts and regulations, arms policies and export rules of different nations, disparities in the requirements and finally the absence of multinational legal structure across various nations etc that can have serious implications on the development of cross border strategic alliances between players in the aerospace and defense industry (Commission of the European Communities, â€Å"Cross Border Industrial Integration†). Vertical

Compare the opening of Zeffirelli Essay Example for Free

Compare the opening of Zeffirelli Essay Baz Luhrmann and Zeffirelli both interpret the play differently, as they both had different target audiences. Baz Luhrmann made a modern version to appeal to teenagers. He wanted to get them interested in Shakespeare, and create a different opinion of Shakespeare. Whereas, Zeffirelli aimed to capture a slightly wider audience. He aimed to recreate the time in which Shakespeare intended the play to be set. He would make the date apparent through set designs and costumes. Baz Luhrmanns version was more modern; for example he used guns instead of swords, in the fight scene, in order to attract and capture his audience. However he kept the original script, so he didnt detract from the actual play and create a completely different film. He used cars and petrol stations, as apposed to a town with market stalls. This helped to make the action faster and more upbeat. As Baz used guns instead of swords, the word sword was in scripted on the gun, to make it easier to understand, with the original text. On the other hand, Zeffirelli wanted to keep as close to the time of Shakespeare, as possible. He set it in a town centre, with market stalls around. Zeffirelli wanted to get across the clear division of the families. You were either a Montague or a Capulet, there was no in between, I think this shows how damaging and serious the violence was. When the bell was rung in the town, it displayed the clear involvement of the whole town,, it also shows the rivalry and hatred between the families, when they raced out with swords, when the brawl broke out. In Baz Luhrmanns version the prologue was repeated in different formats. In the first format of the prologue, there was a blank screen, at the beginning, which built up the suspense. Then a few seconds later, a television screen, with a news reporter, zooms in. The reporter is reporting the brawl as the latest piece of news. There is s an image of a broken ring, which symbolises a relationship with a bad ending. The second format of the prologue is from a birds eye view, over the town. There is an image of a person lying dead on a mattress. This signifies the seriousness of the brawls and it shows that the families will go to any lengths to hurt the other family. Also there were images of fire, police and ambulances. This gives the impression of a corrupt society with no order. There is a large image of two buildings, with the names Montague and Capulet, clearly on the top of them. In the middle of the two buildings there is a statue of Jesus, this image signifies the direct competition between the two families. I think it also represents judgment and that at heart; both families want the same things. The last format of the prologue, text was flying across the screen. It was flashy and bold, which made it eye catching and easy to read. There was then sill close ups of the main characters, with their character name beside it. This made it easy to follow and clear who was who. Baz Luhrmann used bright colours for costumes and lively, fast, exciting music, which helped get the audiences attention. Whereas Baz Luhrmann has used loud, fast music, Zeffirelli has used the complete opposite. In Zeffirellis prologue he has used calm, peaceful music and he has used woodwind instruments, to create renaissance- style music. There is a voice over speaking the prologue. Like Baz Luhrmann, Zeffirelli has used bright colours. There is an opening image of the market, which sets the scene. It gives the impression of a town caught up in and gripped by hatred and rivalry. There is an angle shot of a Capulets legs and their costumes, this straight away emphasises the period. In Baz Luhrmanns fight scene, there is a sign, in the petrol garage saying Add more fuel to your fire, this has a double meaning. There is a close up of the heel grinding the cigarette, shows the rivalry and hatred. Also the close up of Tybalts eyes show the hatred he has and his anger, whilst at the same time displaying his pleasure in angering the Capulet family. This also creates suspense. The sound of gunshots and helicopters, indicate that someone has been hurt. Zeffirellis fight scene is set in the town centre. When an onlooker says Look at them, it gets the audience to focus on the rivalry, objectively, rather than being drawn in. the close ups of expressions, emphasise the hatred and disgust in each other. When they trip up an old man from the other family, it shows the cruelty of the brawls. Before Tybalt enters, there is no music, in order to show his importance. The close up of his eyes also shows his confidence. When the two sides are running into town from their different sides, it shows the clear divide of the two families. At the end of the brawl, when the prince enters, there is a low angle shot of him, to show his status. There is then a long shot of the big crowd to show the extent of the violence. In conclusion, they are both effective and successful in appealing to their target audiences. I think that Baz Luhrmann appealed to his teenage audience well, and I think he achieved his goal, as he made it fast and it was action packed. It was exciting and upbeat, in order to attract and grip his teenage audience. I think it gets teenagers to rethink their impressions about Shakespeare and start to understand more about his plays. However I think it differs from what Shakespeare intended and possibly relates a different message about Shakespeare (which may be a good thing however, it makes him seem like something he is not and Baz Luhrmann cant make a new and more exciting version of all Shakespeares plays! ) I think Zeffireli was very successful in recreating the period of Shakespeare, and he portrayed the divide within the town very well. However I think that maybe Zeffirellis version was a little too laid back and soft, as I think that Shakespeare would have intended a little more violence and a stronger sense of hatred between the two families, also I think Zeffirelli didnt really show the competition and enjoyment that the young rivals got from winding each other up and starting brawls, too well. However, I do think that both Baz Luhrmann and Zeffireli were successful in capturing the target audience, in the first scenes, and directing their adaptations of Romeo and Juliet.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Chemistry of Essential Oils

Chemistry of Essential Oils Rhea Hughes Table of Contents 1. Introduction 2. Basic Chemical Structure 2.1 Hydrocarbons Monoterpenes Sesquiterpenes 2.2 Oxygenated Compounds 3. Extraction Methods 4. How essential oils are analysed 5. Discussion 6. Conclusion 7. Bibliography 1. Introduction Essential oils are used as alternative medical treatments, fragrances for perfumes and also as flavours in food and beverages (Djilani Dicko, 2012). They are made up of fragranced mixtures that are found in different parts of plants such as the seeds, stems or flowers. (doTERRA, 2014). In this essay the following topics of essential oils will be discussed; the chemical structure, how they are extracted from plants and how to determine their components through analysis. 2. Basic Chemical Structure Essential oils are extracted from plants as the compounds that make up essential oils are created naturally by chemical reactions that occur in different plants. Essential oils are released when oils are chemically extracted from the herb or when the herb is compressed (EBSCO, 2014).There are two groups of chemicals that are made from nature; they are classified into primary and secondary metabolites. Primary metabolites can be divided further into carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins. Secondary metabolites are divided into alkaloids, polyketides, shikimates and terponiods (Baser Buchbauer, 2010). The secondary metabolism of a plant is responsible for their scent and also plays a role in the defence system of the plant protecting it from pests Essential oils are made up of hydrocarbons and their derivatives oxygentated compounds that are created from plants secondary metabolism (Chamorro et al., 2012). As it can be seen in Figure 1 in the biosysthesis of secondary metabolites, water and carbon dioxide are converted to glucose through photosynthesis. Phosphoenolpyrutave is a main element in the shikimate group of natural products. Decarboxylation of phosphoenolpyrutave produces acetate which is esterified with coenzyme-A to produce acetyl CoA. Acetyl CoA is a starting point for Mevalonic Acid, which is the starting compound for terpenoids. Figure 1 shows the chemical structure of the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites. (Baser Buchbauer, 2010). Figure 1: Biosythesis of secondary metabolites (Baser Buchbauer, 2010). Essential oils molecules are prepared mainly from carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (essentials, 2014). Essential oils can be divided into two groups hydrocarbons and their derived oxygenated compounds (Martin, 2014). The hydrocarbon group is divided into monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. Hydrocarbon chains are kept together by carbon atoms that are linked together. At different points in the chains atoms are attached to make up alternative oils (essentials, 2014). The oxygenated compounds can be broken down into smaller compounds such as Phenols, Alcohols, Aldehydes, Ketones, Esters, Lactones, Coumarins, Ethers and Oxides (EsotericOils, 2014). 2.1 Hydrocarbons Terpenes are made up of isoprene units. Isoprenes are five-carbon molecules. Isoprenes are assembled in different formations to make up terpenes (Cyberlipid, 2014). Terpenes are a group of molecules that is based on a number of isoprene units in a head to tail fashion. Figure 2 : Isopene Unit (Cyberlipid, 2014) Modified terpenes (terpenoids) are where methyl groups have been moved or removed or oxygen atoms added to the structure. Terpenes are easily decomposable under different effects such as air light and moisture which can cause spoilage of the oil. Terpenes have a narrow boiling range, making them difficult to purify. (Parry, 1922). Monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes are the main components of essential oils as they are adequately volatile (Cyberlipid, 2014), (Baser Buchbauer, 2010). Monoterpenes Monoterpenes have 2 isoprenes units linked together. Monoterpenes are very volatile due to the molecular structure (Chamorro et al., 2012). Monoterpenes increase the therapeutic functions of other components in the oil and stop the collection of toxins (Martin, 2014). An example of an essential oil that is a monoterpene is menthol which is a cyclic monoterpene. Menthol has cooling properties and has a unique scent of the oil residue that is extracted from it (Kamatoua et al., 2013). There is a difference in the content of methone and menthol detected, as the plant mature there is a higher content of menthol and menthyl acetate content (Baser Buchbauer, 2010). Figure 3: Steoreoisomers of menthol (-) –menthol is the most commonly used synthetic and natural form. Menthol has microbial properties but is not a principal compound in essential oils as it is only a component in of a restricted number of aromatic plants (Kamatoua et al., 2013). Sesquiterpenes Sesquiterpenes have 3 isoprene units linked together. They are common in essential oils and are less volatile than monterpenes so they blend well with volatile oils (Martin, 2014). An example of a sestquiterpene is Zingiberene that is used in the oil. It is acquired by fractional distillation under reduced pressure (Parry, 1922). Figure 4: Structure of Zingiberene (Chemistry, 2014). 2.2 Oxygenated Compounds Oxgenated compounds or terpenoids are derivates of terpenes. They have a stronger aroma and are normally more stable as they do not oxidise as easily under different conditions (Fresholi, 2014). Some examples of oxygentated compounds are alcohol, ketones and esters. Alcohols can further be divided into monoterpene alcohol and sesquiterpene alcohols (EsotericOils, 2014). Alcohols are found in in their free state and in the form of esters in essential oils. Methyl alcohols which are soluble in water which are main components in essential oils are removed during the distillation process so they are not actually found in the essential oil but can be found in the distilled water. But when in ester form methyl alcohols can be found in essential oils such as winter green. (Parry, 1922). Alcohols are beneficial components that have antimicrobial and antiseptic properties. Esters are naturally occurring in plants. Esters such as terpineol attribute to the aroma in essential oils (Pharmacognosy, 2012). They also have calming and sedative properties (Oils, 2007). Linalyl acetate is a naturally occurring ester that is found herbs and flowers. It is used to make Lavender oil (Hermitageoils, 2014).Ketones have skin healing properties and also helps break down fats (Oils, 2007). Verbenone is an example of a natural ketone that is extracted from plants. It is an ingredient in the oil Rosemary Other examples of oxygenated compounds are aldehydes that have anti-inflammatory and anti-infectious agents such as geraniol found in Rose Geranium. Oxides that have anti-inflammatory properties such as eucalyptole are found in Eucalyptus. Phenols have anti-pathogenic properties (Oils, 2007). Thymol is an example of a phenol, it is a compound of thyme and ajowan seed oil (Parry, 1922) and ethers help regulate hormones and the central nervous system such as chavicol found in basil (Oils, 2007). 3. Extraction Methods There are different extraction methods that are used for the extraction of components for essential oils. There are two main types of extraction methods these are distillation and expression. Solvent extraction and CO2 extracts are also other techniques that can be used for the release of essential oils from plants. Different distillation methods that are used are steam distillation, water distillation and steam and water distillation. For distillation process the material from which the material is being extracted is placed on a grid in the still, the steam or/and water depending on which method is being used breaks through the plant material and removes the volatile compounds in it. The volatile compounds rise up into the condenser which cools the vapour into liquid form. This oil liquid will be form a separate layer with water and can be drawn off separately from the water (NAHA, 2014). Expression of essential oils is done through a technique known as ecuelle a piquer. This technique involves placing the rind of a fruit in a container with spikes that puncture the peel while it is being rotated. This technique allows the essential oils that are contained in the fruit to be released when it is punctured. Centrifugal force can then be used to separate the fruit juice from the essential oils (NAHA, 2014). Solvent extraction is used when the plants are too fragile to go through the distillation process. In solvent extraction the odoriferous lipophilic is extracted from the plant along with other tissues in the plant. This causes a thick solution to be extracted that contains waxes, fats and other odoriferous material. This solution is then mixed with alcohol which extracts the aromatic compounds (NAHA, 2014). Hypercritical carbon dioxide (CO2) extraction involves putting C02 under pressure to turn it into a liquid from a gas. This liquid is then used as an inert liquid solvent which can extract aromatic compounds from the plant by diffusing through it. C02 can contain some elements that are not found in the corresponding essential oils. During extraction methods some main considerations must be addressed such as the cost, pesticide residue on the plants and also the safety and therapeutic benefits of the essential oil being produced. These considerations help decide which extraction method is most beneficial (NAHA, 2014). 4. How essential oils are analysed Terpenes are structurally varied therefore the methods used for analyses have to account for a great number of molecular compounds (Baser Buchbauer, 2010). With essential oils there are cheaper versions available on the market. Sensory tests are preformed first to help determine if the oil is poor quality. The clarity, colour, odour and viscosity are looked at to determine the quality. When these sensory tests are completed, physical parameters are measured through refractive index, optical rotation and their specific gravity (Lyth, 2014). Chromatography techniques are then used in the separation and identification of compounds (Baser Buchbauer, 2010).Gas chromatography/Mass Spectrometry is widely used in the separation and identification of compounds in essential oils. In gas chromatography the identification and quantification of the different chemical compounds in essential oils can be detected. Each individual compound can be identified by the retention time of the peaks. The data collected can then be compared against standards to determine the purity. (Lyth, 2014).One of the main objectives in separation is the resolution of the compound with a short retention time. To achieve this, the appropriate parameters must be provided. Chiral stationary phases allow for the separation of compounds with optical isomerism. When identifying essential oils in gas chromatography the temperature must be changed as essential oils contain votaile compounds and less volatile compounds. The temperature must start off low and then be raised every minute until 200C to obtain elution of heavy terpenoids. This allows for shorter elution times, separate and narrow peaks (Baser Buchbauer, 2010) 5. Discussion The chemistry of essential oils is important as they have such diverse effects. The different structures of the compounds is what causes the effects of the essential oil (EBSCO, 2014).It also depends on what part of the plant is being used and also the development stage of the plant. There are also changes in the amount of oil yield and the different compounds that are observed between the process of the bud of a flower forming and full flowering (Baser Buchbauer, 2010). But a plant’s compounds can have different effects depending on the country of origin, the type of soil it was grown in and also the climate conditions of where it was grown. These factors can all effect natural variations in the essential oils that are extracted from the plant (Lyth, 2014). Even though essential oils are known for their healing properties it is difficult to prove that they work because of the unique aroma of essential oils it is also difficult to have a control group. A lot of published studies on essential oil fail to reach accurate and reliable scientific standards (EBSCO, 2014) 6. Conclusion Essential oils are used in a variety of industries, but it is important to know the chemistry behind the process of producing them. This helps produce high quality and pure products that will produce better results. The extraction of them from the plant and also where the plant was growing and the conditions that it grew in are important factors when analysing the product for quality and purity. 7. Bibliography Anon., 2014. Organic facts. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 05 November 2014]. Baser, K.H.C. Buchbauer, G., 2010. Handbook of essential oils : science, technology, and applications. Boca Raton: Taylor and Francis Group. Chamorro, E.R. et al., 2012. INTECH. 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Sunday, October 13, 2019

planning Essay -- essays research papers

Planning is fundamental to any organization in its ability to succeed. Planning is the first step any organization must do before carrying forward toward any new initiative.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ethics is a consideration that organizations must keep in mind when planning all facets of their organizastions objectives. Ethics is: The system of rules governing the ordering of values. (Batemen et al, 2004). In other words, ethics is what should be the guide for how businesses conduct business. it helps answer the question of what is the right thing to do. This can be a conflicting concept for many managers. The right thing to do does not always seem to agree with the needs of a business. For example, Enron has now become a point that people point to when it comes to corporate ethical shortcomings. It is hard to say for sure why things at Enron happened the way that they did but one thing is obvious from the outside looking in. The stockholders did not seem to mind too much when the stock was growing at a fast pace. This then creates a dilemma many managers must face, how do they continue to satisfy the market while still conducting business in an ethical way?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many if not all organizations must understand their ethical standing in the business world as well as the global world. The values that a company adheres to are how they will be best known.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At Omni Health Care, our management takes enormous pain to ensur... planning Essay -- essays research papers Planning is fundamental to any organization in its ability to succeed. Planning is the first step any organization must do before carrying forward toward any new initiative.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ethics is a consideration that organizations must keep in mind when planning all facets of their organizastions objectives. Ethics is: The system of rules governing the ordering of values. (Batemen et al, 2004). In other words, ethics is what should be the guide for how businesses conduct business. it helps answer the question of what is the right thing to do. This can be a conflicting concept for many managers. The right thing to do does not always seem to agree with the needs of a business. For example, Enron has now become a point that people point to when it comes to corporate ethical shortcomings. It is hard to say for sure why things at Enron happened the way that they did but one thing is obvious from the outside looking in. The stockholders did not seem to mind too much when the stock was growing at a fast pace. This then creates a dilemma many managers must face, how do they continue to satisfy the market while still conducting business in an ethical way?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many if not all organizations must understand their ethical standing in the business world as well as the global world. The values that a company adheres to are how they will be best known.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  At Omni Health Care, our management takes enormous pain to ensur...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Hades vs. Demons :: Ancient Greece Greek History

Hades vs. Demons Greek Mythology and Religion Mythology is the study and explanation of myth of a particular culture. Myth, is a cultural phenomenon that can have many different point of views. Mythology and religion in the past still influence today. It is difficult to imagine that ancient myth and history has had a tremendous impact not only in today's culture but also in lifestyle and religious beliefs. To some extend, people rather believe that there is no consequence in your sins in the afterlife. Mythic stories, for example, show how the world began, how humans and animals were created, and how certain manners, and specific human activities originated. Ancient Greek religion has been the main stream of investigation and research from classic times to the modern day. In Greek mythology, Hades, also known as Pluto, is the god and ruler of the underworld, which is the kingdom of the dead. He is an egotistic god, who is greatly concerned with expanding his society. Often Hades is severely cautious and selective on permitting any of his people to leave. It's unquestionable that even the commander of the underworld had fallen in love with Persephone. Although the relationship between Hades and Persephone appears to have established badly, their union was peaceful. For most, life in the underworld was not enjoyable. It's more like a tormented and miserable dream, full of shadows, without sunlight or hope, a joyless place where the dead slowly fade into nonexistence. It's a realm not only for the sinners but also for the saints. When we speak of demons we immediatelymagine of a red evil spirit with an extended pointy tail. But many of us ask ourselves, Demons? Where and how did demons come about? The word demon is derived from the Greek daimon, which in ancient times signified various kinds of spirits or semi-gods, which particularly weren't evil. The term "demons" was not always understood to have the absolutely negative indication that it does today. Our current use of the term "Demon" is a malignant spirit, which usually from the New Testament. However there is still great indecision as to whether or not demons are considered to be distinct and separate from the devil and his fallen angels. It is mentioned in the New Testament, chapter 5, verse 12, by Josepheus a method of exorcism which is prescribed by Solomon. "Prevailed or succeeded greatly among them down to the present time" .

Friday, October 11, 2019

Macduff †Banquo Comparison Essay

Dwight D. Eisenhower once said â€Å"peace and justice are two sides of the same coin†. Peace and justice are tied together, both must exist in harmony. In Macbeth we quickly see the injustice of murder destroy the peace of Scotland. It would take a force to bring Macbeth to his knew and order back into Scotland, setting the stage for Banquo and Macduff. Banquo and Macduff play large yet different roles in the demise of Macbeth. Banquo mentally troubles Macbeth causing his mental state to deteriorate, while Macduff capitalizes on the weakness and acts upon it. You will see examples throughout the book: when Banquo stays with Macbeth hiding his suspicion while Macduff rides away telling others of the murder, when the ghost of Banquo haunts Macbeth while Macduff refuses to attend the feast at all and finally throughout the play we see the prophecy of Banquo’s sons driving Macbeth mad; Macduff using Macbeth’s reliance on the witches as a weakness to attack and kill him. Banquo’s suspicion causes Macbeth to worry, not knowing that Macduff had left with his own suspicions. We see the different approaches of the two characters, Banquo hiding his thoughts and sticking close instead of openly discussing his thoughts like Macduff. Banquo has clued in on the connection between the wyrd sister’s prophecy and the murder of Duncan, questioning Macbeth’s morality â€Å"†¦ King, Cawdor, Glamis, all†¦ I fear / thou played’st most foully for it† (3. 1. 1-3). Banquo contains his distrust, watching Macduff from the shadows as he leaves the clearer target. Macduff was the first to find the body of Duncan and does not worry about his own safety, discussing his knowledge with Ross and the Old Man. We see his wording in act 2 scene 4 as doubtful, not believing Macbeth’s reasoning for killing the guards in Duncan’s room. Macbeth still does not see the works of Macduff, who does not attend his crowing ceremony, and is strictly focused on Banquo. He admits to having â€Å"fears in Banquo [which] stick deep† and plans on disposing of him (3. 1. 50-51). Macbeth knows he can no longer trust his once best friend as paranoia and insanity begin to set in. This distraction is the reason Macduff is given leeway to spread his distrusts through the group of secondary characters. In effort, Macbeth has made up his mind to continue onwards with fulfilling the prophecy, a decision that will literally haunt him greatly. The ghost of Banquo terrorizes Macbeth at his banquet, making him act a fool in front of all the thanes. Macduff denies Macbeth publicly by not attending, thus upsetting him greatly. Banquo’s role is further shown to be private or solely concentrated to Macbeth’s knowledge, giving him an insane outer appearance. Macbeth’s mentality only feeds the fire in Macduff as he gains more and more reassurance from the onslaught of murders. We even see his own wife accuse him of â€Å"displac[ing] the mirth, break[ing] the good meeting / with most admir’d disorder† (3. 4. 109-110). Banquo has terrified Macbeth, making his cheeks â€Å"†¦blanch’d with fear† (3. 4. 116) sending him looking for an outlet; the absence of Macduff. He admits to having â€Å" a servant fed â€Å" (3. 4. 132) in all of his thanes houses and knows that Macduff has denied the invitation on purpose. He takes this as an extreme insult, planning to kill Macduff’s family as a punishment. This section has shown Macbeth as very weak and incapable of rational thought processes, taking the absence of a thane as the reason to kill. The fate of Macduff’s family is set in stone, much like Banquo’s, yet it will not grant him anymore safety and will in fact lead him searching for security. Macbeth goes back to the wyrd sisters to gain some more insight on the prophecy. He goes out of desperation, hoping that his fate still holds true to what he has been told and the throne will be forever in his family. Banquo’s sons have forced the hand of Macbeth, pleading the witches not for the truth, but to hear what he wants. The haunting of Banquo’s children has led to the murder of Macduff’s. Action caused by children has connected Banquo and Macduff, as the newly deceased and the future kings will not let Macbeth free. Macbeth takes the witches new prophecy not for what it is, but as what he wants it to be. His head has been inflated, and no longer worrying about the throne’s next owner. Macbeth is at a point where he has nothing to lose and after his wife dies, he is at wits end. Macbeth knows the fate of his kingdom, and will â€Å"die with harness on [his] back† (5. 5. 51). He had thought he was invincible, Banquo had been a nagging recurrence and had punished him mentally. Exhausted, he chose to face and die by the army and Macduff, his true match. Through different ways, Macduff and Banquo were able to break Macbeth both mentally and physically, bringing his reign of terror to an end. Banquo, through suspicion was able to distract Macbeth, his ghost returning, constantly reminding him of his deeds. Macduff, meanwhile, gathered his thoughts and fought Macbeth every step of the way. Using rational methods, he was able to take down a very irrational man. Banquo had written the book all along, all he had to do was wait for Macduff to publish it.